Mark Rothko, Untitled (Plum and Brown)
1960-1964, Oil on Canvas
206 x 175.5 cm, 81 x 69.125 in
Anselm Kiefer, Melancholia
2005, Oil, Acrylic, Rust and Polyhedral Sculpture on Canvas Sculpture made out of Iron and Glass, containing Ash, Iron, Dried Flowers
280 x 380 cm, 110.2 x 149.6 in
David Salle, "Democratic Theory and Practice"
2013, Acrylic and silkscreen ink on metal, oil on canvas
187.96 x 165.1 cm, 74 x 65 in
Constantin Brancusi, Fish (Le Poison)
ca. 1920-22, Black Veined Marble
26.67 x 9.52 cm, 10 x 3 in